The technical solutions that have been developed in this project are based in the development of edible coatings to be applied in processed meat products, specifically sliced processed meat products. To accomplish this main goal, several food-grade biopolymers will be combined synergistically with compounds that have been reported as capable of increase the shelf-life of this type of products, being also possible to host this compounds in capsules.







Primor has established another partnership for the development of a new research project, this time with the University of Coimbra (UC). The COVER-ED project involves one company and one national scientific institution, with specific and complementary responsibilities into accomplish project’s goals.

Primor Charcutaria Prima, S.A. is one of the largest food companies in Portugal, a 100 % Portuguese brand, with over 50 years of experience in processing and marketing of pork and poultry cooked meat products, such as ham, bacon and traditional sausages.

With a strong focus on product innovation, focusing on functionality, Primor has been collecting product innovation awards. Its innovation portfolio already includes a few RD&T projects, developed in partnership with the national scientific board, in particular, the projects Primor_AP, Valorintegrador, Extrasliced45 and Pigs+Care.

The Colling Group innovation team of the Coimbra University is constituted by creative experts in the area of nanotechnology and in the chemistry and physics of polymers.

This team develops new solutions of high value to companies, supported in scientific knowledge, creating until now more than 50 projects with national and international companies.






The COVER-ED project falls within the scope of the R&DT typology projects in Co-Promotion, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (POFC), the NSRF – National Strategic Reference Framework – Incentive System for Research and Technological Development, amounting to an investment of € 772 789.04, having obtained an incentive of € 494 032.12.

Throughout this project, a multidisciplinary team of researchers, specialized in the technical areas of food engineering, biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, polymers and materials engineering, quality, process, project management, is developing a set of activities, from the preliminary stages, with the technical specifications of the products and materials to develop, to the definition of new concepts of materials, and the assembly of the final prototypes, with their validation tests and trials, as well as the dissemination of their results.


Innovative features Unit of measurement  Present situation  Goals Importance to the project (%)
Improvement of the shelf-life of processed meat products, through the increase of food safety.  Days 35 days with protective atmosphere in barrier packaging 35 days without protective atmosphere and barrier packaging 50 
Reduction of the volume of plastic used in each packaging through the reduction of the barrier film thickness % of reduction Expensive barrier film needed to preserve the food products 10 to 50 % reduction in the barrier of the packaging film 20 
Plastic waste reduction % of reduction Packaging constituted by non-biodegradable plastics 10 to 50 % reduction in the weight of non-biodegradable plastics used  15
Food waste reduction Characteristics preservation after open the packaging  3 Days 35 days after packaging, regardless the packaging opening time   15









Novo método alarga validade de fiambre e outras carnes sem comprometer qualidade.

TVI 24

Afinal, o fiambre pode durar mais do que diz agora o prazo de validade.


Método inédito aumenta prazo de validade do fiambre fatiado sem comprometer qualidade.


Cientistas portugueses prolongam vida de prateleira do fiambre.


Método inovador resolve problema da indústria alimentar


Portugueses prolongam validade do fiambre.


Investigadores da UC aumentam prazo de validade do fiambre!


Investigadores portugueses desenvolvem método inovador que permite prolongar prazo do fiambre.


Novo método alarga validade de fiambre e outras carnes sem comprometer qualidade.


Novo método desenvolvido em Portugal aumenta a validade das carnes processadas.


Novo método aumenta validade de fiambre e outras carnes sem comprometer qualidade.










Avenida Santiago de Gavião, 1142
4760-003 Vila Nova de Famalicão – Portugal

Phone: +351 252 308 900
Fax: +351 252 375 638
e-mail: fatima.carvalho@primor.pt

Departamento de Química
Rua Larga
3004-535 Coimbra – Portugal

Phone: +351 239 852 080
e-mail: colling@colling.pt | fcea@ci.uc.pt

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